Every picture tells a story. Here we have a photo of Sir Frederick Grant Banting (1891-1941) with his oldest brother, Angus Nelson Banting (1881-1941).

A Farmer and a Scientist

The snapshot was taken from the porch of the farm house, just as Fred arrived at his brother’s farm in his 1936 Ford Classic. Nelson had just opened the gate and Fred was about to do just that as he left his car door open.  The farm was located, off the Scorch Line, on hill overlooking Alliston, Ontario.  While the photo is blurry the top of the picture is framed by Butternut tree branches.  Roasted Butternuts were a family treat at Christmas time. Hydro was also installed by the time the photo was taken.  The photo was taken sometime between 1937 and 1941.  The latter year was a bad one for both men. From this hilltop location Nelson had a clear view of the Banting Homestead Farm, located to the east, where Fred was born.